Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Great Week

Hello everyone! So this week I realized the blessings of transferring
wards: I was able to get two primary programs, and two Halloween
parties this year! It was pretty cool. I've been able to get along and
introduce myself to ward members a lot through these activities. But
we had some really good experiences this week. One was during
contacting. When the clock hits 8:30 p.m. And it's dark and people
don't want to talk to us, I say a prayer that if we get one good
contact, the time will be fulfilled. And every time so far, we've had
some wonderful contacts! This time we approached a a lady who was
outside on her porch.  We told her we share messages about Jesus Christ. 
We asked if we could share one and she agreed. 
We introduced ourselves as missionaries from the LDS church,
or Mormons and then her eyes went big. She told us her family is anti
Mormon because we don't believe in Jesus Christ. It was a great
opportunity to fix misconceptions about our church. By the end of the
lesson, she had a Book of Mormon and was gonna read it! It was
And the other big miracle that happened was yesterday. So the ward
threw an ice cream social to celebrate the end of their Book of Mormon
challenge, and the party was missionary focused, so everyone tried to
get their friends and investigators to come. Not many came, but we had
two investigators come!! It was awesome! We hadn't been able to meet
with them last week so seeing them yesterday was great! One of them
even brought up that when they were a kid, they had come to this
chapel before! It was awesome! The Ward did a great job at introducing
themselves, and both agreed to come to church Sunday! Had hadn't even
invited them yet, and before they left they both said "yeah, we want
to come to church this Sunday. It's at 9 right?" It made me so happy!
And another one of our investigators finally kept his commitments, and
because of that, he resolved his own concern about tithing. This week
was awesome and my desire for the work only increased. Hope y'all are

Elder Blackburn
Sent from my iPad

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